by Kenny | Feb 13, 2023 | Uncategorized
By Sarah Brenner, JD Director of Retirement Education Follow Us on Twitter: @theslottreport Tax season is upon us. This is the time when you might be thinking about contributing to a retirement account. You may be interested in the Roth IRA, which offers the promise... by Kenny | Feb 12, 2023 | Uncategorized
Weekly Market Commentary – 2/10/2023 -Darren Leavitt, CFA Wall Street pulled in its horns last week as investors sensed the market was overbought. Concerns about the outlook for corporate earnings and historically high valuations tempered buyers’ enthusiasm for... by Kenny | Feb 10, 2023 | Weekly Newsletter
KEY POINTS All U.S. workers ages 45 to 62 would benefit from waiting until beyond age 65 to start receiving Social Security retirement benefits, recent research finds. The best age to claim is 70, when benefits are 76% higher than retirement benefits taken at 62. The... by Kenny | Feb 9, 2023 | Uncategorized
By Andy Ives, CFP®, AIF® IRA Analyst Follow Us on Twitter: @theslottreport QUESTION: I just inherited my spouse’s inherited IRA (he got it from his father). He (my husband) was already taking required minimum distributions (RMDs) based on his own single life... by Kenny | Feb 8, 2023 | Uncategorized
By Andy Ives, CFP®, AIF® IRA Analyst Follow Us on Twitter: @theslottreport When IRA or retirement plan assets are withdrawn prior to age 59 ½, an early distribution penalty of 10% applies – in addition to any taxes owed on the distribution. However, there are...