(817) 841-8150 | Carrollton, TX

By Andy Ives, CFP®, AIF®
IRA Analyst


Client has a Thrift Savings Plan and took RMDs in January, February and March of 2020. Client then rolled the balance of the TSP into an IRA. Question is whether or not he can “repay” those RMDs to the IRA under Notice 2020-51. Thanks.


Yes, the three RMD payments can be “repaid” to the IRA, but a deadline is fast approaching. Plan-to-IRA rollovers do not count against the one-rollover-per-year rule, so that is not a concern. However, since these RMD payments were taken back in January, February and March, they are outside of the standard 60-day rollover window. IRS Notice 2020-51 allows RMD rollovers beyond the 60-day rollover period if they are rolled over by August 31, 2020. If the rollovers are not completed by this date, the client will be stuck with the three monthly distributions.


I returned my RMD back to my IRA account this year, but due to an unexpected event I find myself in need of money. Can I take it out again? Also, can I put part of the money into a Roth IRA? I have watched “Retire Safe & Secure! with Ed Slott” many times, I just love it every time. I also bought this program from KQED San Francisco – you are great. Thank you.




Thank you for the compliments! Yes, can take another withdrawal for whatever amount you wish from your IRA. Just because you took your RMD earlier and rolled it back, you are not precluded from taking another distribution, nor are you limited to only your RMD amount. However, due to the one-rollover-per-year rule and IRS Notice 2020-51, after August 31, 2020 you can no longer do another rollover until one year has passed since you paid back your RMD. As for Roth conversions, you can do one or more for whatever amount makes sense based on your tax situation and financial goals. Roth conversions do not count against the one-rollover-per-year rule.
